About Us
You Can Fly PPG was started in 2020 when David took his love for flying to the next level by sharing it with students in New England. He became an instructor in 2020 in Florida and fell in love with the magic of seeing someone progress through training so they can run into the sky.
David is most inspired by students who work hard to overcome their fears, power through struggles, and realize their inner determination. He has worked with students ranging from their early 20s all the way to a student in his late 70s. David has a knack for seeing each student's potential and leveraging their unique strengths.
David is passionate about creating community amongst his students and other paramotor pilots in New England. Shared experiences, both in training and after, make this sport even more enjoyable.
>> David Nickerson -
David discovered his love for paramotor flight in 2018. He quickly became so excited about the sport that he knew he needed to share this passion with as many people as possible. He became an instructor in 2020 when the pandemic radically changed the face of his audio production business. David now owns and operates both Baystate Sound and You Can Fly PPG. When he’s not on the training field, he can be found spending time with his amazing son, TJ, on whitewater rivers, hiking in northern Maine, or traveling.
David holds the following ratings issued by the USPPA: PPG 1-3 Foot Launch, PPG 1-3 Wheel Launch, Foot Launch Instructor, Wheel Launch Instructor, Tandem Wheel Launch Instructor, and Instructor Administrator​

>> Emily Dziedzic -
Emily discovered her love for flying at the age of 9 when her uncle took her flying in his Cub. She became a pilot at the age of 18 and pursued a career in aviation for a decade. She has a passion for helping people and turned her career interest to massage and then coaching/hypnotherapy. After a long break from being in the air, Emily became a Paramotor Pilot in June 2022. She now runs all things behind the scenes at You Can Fly PPG.

>> Scout -
Scout (aka: Scouty, Good Boy, Scouty Boy) is the best para-pup around. He loves sunning his belly, chasing flies, and eating all the treats.

>> Frank -
Frank (aka: Frankasaurus, Frank-a-doodle) rescued Emily at the Salton Sea. He's a big love with endless cuddles. He can be found chomping on bones, coercing Scout to play, or napping hard.